Marketing Services

Website and Internet Marketing is the key to making or breaking your website, and your business. That is why companies leave it to the professionals. We can take your existing website and re-code the back-end to drive traffic to your site. If needed, we can do a complete overhaul of your website marketing and content. Either way, you will get the traffic you need to make your business grow. Don't let a lack of marketing get in the way of your success.

Potential customers have to be able to find you on the Internet. These days, you wouldn't do business with a company that didn't have a website and neither would your customers. You have to be prepared to make a good impression because the expectations are high and there's a lot of competition out there. You have to be on par or better than your competition, a good website design allows you to do that.

Website Marketing Services include:

Pay Per Click (PPC)

These are targeted campaigns based on keyword or keyword phrases that drive traffic to your website. These are non-organic positions within the major search engines. Each click through to your website is a potential for your company to make money. Also known as Ad Words, Pay per click consists of bidding on keywords for high ranking positions in the search engine, sidebars, and affiliate sites. It is necessary to run keyword analysis to determine return on investment.

Submit To Directories

The search engines are not the only tool for finding businesses. In some cases, good website marketing relies on results from directories and other business lists. That is why it is so important to have your business listed within these directories. Your business should be prominent in all directories that pertain to your category. Since most directories cover all search terms, you must submit your web address to these directories.

Social Marketing/Social Media

We have all heard the saying," It's about who you know". This is where social marketing and social media comes into play. The social connections you form in life have a direct effect on you financial future. They affect your ability to reach large audience and alert people about your products and services. Facebook, LinkedIn, and others have elevated small and large business to new heights. Social marketing can take a no name company and turn it into a gold mine overnight. You want as many people as possible visiting your website and talking about your products and services.

Tags/Shortcut Tags

These are links within your website pages that use keywords and keyword phrases to link to other pages within your website or affiliate sites. Links within your website can be a very powerful tool for getting viewers to click through to other pages and spend more time on your website. The more time you can get people to spend on your website, the more likely they are to spend money and come back. It also makes it easier for viewers to navigate your site and get the information they need quickly and efficiently

Linking Strategy

A good linking strategy consists of setting up a matrix of inbound links into your website to increase rank in the search engines. You want quality links from newsworthy and substantial organizations to boost your search engine visibility. You may also want to link out to those that have helped you gain rank, but do so judiciously; You want to maintain your stature and link to organizations that showcase you in the best light.